
10 Signs of Aging Badly & Ways to Slow It

  • 1. Joint pain
  • 2. Fatigue and bad sleep habits
  • 3. Chronic inflammation
  • 4. Brain fog
  • 5. Weight gain
  • 6. Varicose veins
  • 7. Skin and appearance changes
  • 8. Dementia
  • 9. Digestive issues
  • 10. Hearing loss
  • How to Slow Signs of Aging

The anti-aging market is a booming business, with Americans and the rest of the world spending billions of dollars on products to combat the signs of aging each year. While it’s common to rush to a cosmetics counter in search of the “next big thing” in anti-aging, we should remember that aging affects our internal biology before it shows on the outside. In a clinical trial to test biological age, meaning “declining integrity of multiple organ systems,” scientists published results in 2015 showing that people with higher biological ages experienced more lost physical mobility and mental decline, reported worse overall health, and even looked older. Nothing can fully reverse aging as it’s built into our DNA and is a natural part of life. However, there are signs of aging that, if recognized early enough, can often be improved and potentially even reversed. This usually means doing what you can to make your telomeres, the DNA segments at the end of chromosomes associated with age, longer. The longer your telomeres, the younger you feel inside, and this is crucial for longevity and adding years to your life. So, what are some of the signs of aging poorly, and what can you do about them? Let’s find out.

1. Joint pain

Tender, aching joints are a common hallmark of aging, and conditions like osteoarthritis become more prevalent with age as cartilage breaks down. This breakdown of cartilage is known as degenerative joint disease (DJD). Joint pain often goes hand in hand with inflammation and swelling.

2. Fatigue and bad sleep habits

If you constantly feel drained, exhausted and unable to get a good night’s sleep, it may be a sign of aging. Chronic fatigue and daytime sleepiness are common symptoms of aging, particularly after the age of 40, and can be caused by various underlying conditions. One of the most common causes is sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that disrupts breathing during sleep. Although sleep apnea can occur at any age, the risk increases with age.

3. Chronic inflammation

Chronic inflammation also increases with age, which is why systemic inflammatory and autoimmune conditions like leaky gut can be among the early signs of aging. Leaky gut syndrome is an autoimmune condition characterized by gut permeability, allowing proteins and molecules to pass through the digestive system lining. Common signs of leaky gut include food sensitivities, digestive problems (including inflammatory bowel diseases), thyroid dysfunction, nutritional deficiencies, mood and fatigue issues, and inflammatory skin conditions. Since 70% of our immune system is in the gut, it’s not surprising that gut microbiome problems affect our entire body. Since inflammation is at the root of many diseases, it’s not surprising that inflammation increases with age. While it’s impossible to completely prevent chronic inflammation, stress seems to fuel age-related inflammation, a common sign of poor aging. For example, primary caregivers, who are often under high stress, show a four times higher increase in inflammation than non-caregivers over the same period. The pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6, associated with a range of age-related conditions, was observed in this study.

As you can see, the chronic inflammation associated with faster-than-normal aging can contribute to the development of many diseases, not just a few symptoms.

4. Brain fog

Another cluster of symptoms that may indicate premature aging is brain fog caused by chronic inflammation. How do you know if you have brain fog? It is characterized by fatigue, irritability, concentration problems, forgetfulness, headaches, lack of motivation/mild depression, anxiety and insomnia.

5. Weight gain

To some extent, a small amount of weight gain (about one pound every one or two years) can be considered a “normal” part of aging. However, many adults gain much more due to factors such as a busy schedule with little time for exercise, lack of sleep, stress and a poor diet. In a 10-year study of 775 men in Baltimore, scientists discovered that low resting metabolism and a higher fasting respiratory exchange ratio (RER) were the two predictors of future weight gain, even in men who were not obese. Resting metabolism measures the rate at which you burn calories when not active. Your RER is a test of your breath to determine if you are in a fat-burning mode. Active people typically have lower overall RERs than inactive ones, meaning their bodies burn fat more efficiently. That’s why staying active is so important for reversing this sign of poor aging.

6. Varicose veins

Varicose veins, bulging veins that appear lumpy and dark in color (usually blue or purple), affect up to 50% of people over the age of 50. Although they are common and not always a health concern, they can be caused by hormonal fluctuations (such as during pregnancy), changes in blood pressure in leg veins or increased inflammation. Depending on their severity, varicose veins can be difficult to treat or prevent, especially as genetics/family history can increase the likelihood of developing them as we age. Some risk factors for varicose veins include being female, obese, physically inactive, experiencing menopause later and having high systolic blood pressure. Varicose veins are one of the signs of poor aging that can indicate a sedentary lifestyle and are also associated with a higher risk of heart disease.

7. Skin and appearance changes

The most obvious signs of aging poorly are typically alterations in the appearance of the skin. Skin fibers are affected in various ways during aging, and effects may include sunspots, patchy skin, itching, wrinkles and sagging. A major factor in how your skin ages is how much it is exposed to the sun versus protected by the best sunscreens you can use. When you are exposed to the sun openly for many years, skin quality degrades much more quickly. For example, collagen and elastin in the skin function normally for decades longer in those who protect their skin from direct sun exposure. These two features of the skin support good elasticity and visual appearance, so they are directly related to basically all skin changes that occur as you age.

8. Dementia

Dementia affects many people as they age. The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, although other conditions can also be responsible, including frontotemporal lobar degeneration, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, vascular dementia caused by strokes, normal pressure hydrocephalus and dementia caused by medication or depression. Contrary to previous beliefs, dementia is not necessarily a normal part of aging. The symptom of dementia in diseases like Alzheimer’s is closely related to diet, inflammation, activity level, the job a person has and even gut health. When these things are out of balance, you are more likely to develop dementia or develop it earlier as a sign of poor aging.

9. Digestive issues

In every aging person, aging will affect the function of the gastrointestinal (GI) system. Common age-related symptoms in the GI tract include slower digestion (which may lead to constipation), bacterial overgrowth in the microbiome, incontinence, diarrhea, diverticulitis, poor nutrient absorption, delayed drug metabolism, stomach ulcers, GERD, polyps and alterations in the immune system. Factors that may bring these issues on sooner include medication use (such as NSAIDs), chronic inflammation and leaky gut, an unstructured diet and smoking.

10. Hearing loss

Hearing loss is a common sign of aging poorly and is a hallmark of the perception of aging. While many people still think of it as a loss of sensory input, age-related hearing loss is actually a problem with the neurons, blood vessels and overall biological function of the ear. It is very closely related to oxidative stress, which can cause cell death (apoptosis) and cochlear dysfunction at the mitochondrial level. There is a genetic component to hearing loss, but other risk factors for earlier hearing loss include diabetes, cerebrovascular disease, smoking, poor cognitive function, excessive alcohol intake, noise exposure and ear surgery.

How to Slow Signs of Aging

1. Eat a brain-supporting, anti-inflammatory diet

The number one way to naturally slow aging is to eat a better diet. Many signs of aging poorly are directly related to chronic inflammation, which you can manage by filling your diet with anti-inflammatory foods. An anti-inflammatory diet is full of green, leafy veggies, antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables (think: colorful!), high-quality meats and seafood, healthy nuts and seeds, bone broth, spices like ginger or turmeric, healthy fats like coconut oil and other anti-aging foods. It also requires getting rid of inflammation-causing foods and drinks, which can actually promote faster aging. For example, drinking sugary sodas is associated with shorter telomeres. Healthy fats are crucial for brain health, so cycling the keto diet on and off is another great option for keeping your brain in great shape. You should also consider eating probiotic foods and drinks like kefir, sauerkraut and kimchi, which also support your immune system, brain and digestion. While diet is the best way to get all the nutrients you need, it’s not a bad idea to supplement with nutrients or additional foods if you are deficient.

2. Stay active

Looking back at these 10 signs of aging poorly, you’ll see that many of them are related, at least in some way, to the type of lifestyle a person leads. While this doesn’t mean everyone should be an athlete, it does suggest that a sedentary lifestyle is not a good idea if you want to age well. Find activities and create habits that keep you active throughout your life. These can be as complex as having regular workout and activity schedules or as simple as learning to walk more, such as during meetings or while on the phone. If your job is sedentary by design, try a standing desk or set movement breaks for yourself. One great option may be to ride a bike. A 2015 study found that aging people who regularly cycled had better metabolic profiles, memories, balance and reflexes than their sedentary counterparts.

3. Reduce stress

Stress is another factor closely linked to inflammation that can worsen signs of aging poorly. By aiming to eliminate unnecessary stress from your life, you may have a better chance of aging well. Options for relieving stress (scientifically) include exercise or yoga, healing prayer and meditation, acupuncture, therapy, spending more time in nature and journaling. It’s also important to surround yourself with a strong support system throughout your life. Whether you’re in a challenging season or feeling like nothing can go wrong, family and friends who love and support you are a great way to combat stress. In fact, combined with a healthy diet and active lifestyle, social support is one way to actually lengthen your telomeres and reverse the aging process.

Final Thoughts

Aging is a natural process that no one can avoid entirely. While it’s great to make lifestyle and dietary changes to support natural aging, it’s important to remember that there’s nothing you can do to stop it from happening. Instead, embrace the wisdom and beauty of age and learn to surround yourself with people, activities and even foods that support this process in a healthy and life-giving way. The ten major signs of aging poorly include: joint pain, fatigue and bad sleep habits, chronic inflammation, brain fog, weight gain, varicose veins, skin and appearance changes, dementia, digestive issues and hearing loss. To naturally slow the aging process, it’s important to fill your diet with anti-inflammatory, brain-boosting foods and cut out inflammation-causing things like soda. You may also want to consider dietary supplements for nutrients and types of foods you don’t usually eat enough of. Staying active and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle will also help keep your telomeres long and slow aging. Finally, reduce stress and spend time with people and doing things you love to build a lifelong support system.

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