
Top 6 Outdoor Health Advantages

  • Health Benefits of Being Outdoors
  • How to Spend More Time Outdoors

Do you have any idea that, on average, we Americans spend approximately 90 percent of our lives indoors? From commuting to and from work, spending likely over eight hours a day at our jobs, to handling our daily routines, we witness nature more on our TV screens than in real life, thus missing out on the numerous health benefits of being outdoors.

This is not only a disheartening statistic, but there are genuine health advantages that we are deprived of when we are confined within our homes and office buildings. Research indicates that merely 120 minutes (that’s two hours) per week is associated with good health and well-being.

From enhancing our moods to feeling more relaxed, being outdoors is something we all could benefit from more.

Health Benefits of Being Outdoors

1. Breathe better air

Amid pollution, seasonal allergies and creepy crawlies outdoors, some of us would rather stay indoors as frequently as possible. But if you assume you’re breathing better air indoors, I’m sorry to disappoint you: Indoor air pollution can be up to 10 times worse than what you inhale outdoors.

Most of us think of pollution as factory smoke or car exhaust. However, indoor air pollution implies that our homes are also filled with it, often at levels significantly higher than what you’d encounter outside. Inadequate ventilation, paints, chemicals from household and personal products, and mold all contribute to this.

If you need to take a breath of fresh air, it’s high time to head outdoors.

2. Soak up that vitamin D

One of the most prevalent deficiencies among American adults is a vitamin D deficiency. What makes this vitamin distinct from most of the ones we need is that our bodies actually produce the majority of the vitamin D we require, instead of relying on the foods we consume to supply it. Our bodies convert the sunshine we soak up into chemicals that transform it into the vitamin D we all know and appreciate.

However, if we don’t get outdoors frequently enough, our body struggles to obtain sufficient sunshine to generate vitamin D. Whenever feasible, attempt to get at least 10 to 15 minutes of unprotected time in the sun each day and enjoy the health benefits of being outdoors.

3. Help counteract seasonal affective disorder

Though this might apply only for half of the year, it’s a significant aspect. Seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is a type of depression that emerges in early autumn and worsens in the winter. While researchers aren’t precisely sure what causes it, a lack of light and vitamin D is suspected to play a role.

Even if you don’t have SAD, a deficiency of natural light during cooler weather can truly impact your mood. Mitigate the effects and increase your vitamin D intake simultaneously by going outdoors.

4. Indulge in forest bathing

No, it doesn’t involve an outdoor shower. It’s closer to camping.

Forest bathing, or forest therapy, is based on the Japanese concept of Shinrin-yoku, which emphasizes spending time away from the hustle and bustle of the cities and embracing nature.

The Japanese, already renowned for their Okinawa diet, are onto something. Immersing oneself in nature can enhance the activity of a type of white blood cell that aids in fighting infection and tumor cells. It also helps lower your blood pressure and reduce stress, something we all could benefit from.

5. Ease anxiety

Feeling anxious about something? Taking a stroll outdoors can be of assistance.

Researchers have discovered that simply being outdoors in nature can enhance your overall sense of well-being and reduce anxiety. Escaping the indoors and venturing outside can also stimulate creative thinking – it’s a reason why walking meetings are becoming more popular.

6. Practice your grounding

Have you ever heard of grounding, or earthing, before? It’s a means of connecting to the earth’s energy by going barefoot.

Our feet absorb the earth’s electrical charges, allowing them to flow through us. The outcomes include improved sleep, reduced inflammation and more time spent in nature – all positive results.

Of course, you need to be outside to connect with the earth. Carpets or hardwood floors don’t have the same effects!

How to Spend More Time Outdoors

Are you struggling to figure out how you can incorporate the health benefits of being outdoors into your lifestyle and spend more time outside? It’s not as challenging as you might think.

  • Exercise outside. Shift your yoga sessions to the backyard, or bypass the treadmill and visit the park instead. You can also go for a hike or run outdoors.
  • Take a walk. Break the mid-afternoon slump with a short walk outdoors, or go on a walk while chatting on the phone.
  • Eat outside. Appreciate a change of scenery and consume your meals outdoors.
  • Embrace seasonal activities. If it’s cold outside, play in the snow, head to the park or go for a brisk walk. When it’s warm, try hiking or watch your favorite baseball team play.

No matter what the season is, it’s time to step away from the couch and relish the great outdoors. Your health will express gratitude.

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