
Neti Pot: 6 Nasal Irrigation Health Gains + How to Use Safely

  • What Is a Neti Pot? (How It Works)
  • How to Use Safely
  • Benefits
  • Common Mistakes and Risks

A neti pot is utilized for nasal irrigation. Nasal irrigation might seem rather strange, but it essentially involves the act of flushing out your nasal cavity. A neti pot enables a user to do this quickly and efficiently with a solution composed of purified water and salt. That’s right – just two simple ingredients. If mucus or allergens are causing congestion and irritation in your nose, a neti pot could be just the thing the doctor ordered. In fact, many doctors recommend using a neti pot for general nasal congestion as well as for dealing with colds, allergies, and sinus infections. According to a study of 330 actively practicing family physicians in Wisconsin, 87 percent of them recommended saline nasal irrigation (which is what you do with a neti pot) as part of their treatment recommendations for the following health issues: chronic sinus infections (91 percent), acute bacterial sinus infections (67 percent), rhinitis (stuffy nose) resulting from seasonal allergies (66 percent), viral upper respiratory infections (59 percent), other allergic rhinitis (48 percent), irritant-based congestion (48 percent), and rhinitis due to pregnancy (17 percent). In addition to experiencing easier breathing through their noses, many neti pot users also report a heightened sense of smell and taste after using a neti pot. According to doctors at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, neti pots are generally safe as long as they are used and cleaned in the proper manner.

What Is a Neti Pot? (How It Works)

A neti pot is a device that cleanses and refreshes the nasal passages. Neti pots typically come in either plastic or ceramic forms and resemble a small teapot. The origin of the neti pot can be traced back to Ayurvedic medicine. “Neti” is actually Sanskrit for “nasal cleansing.” How do neti pots work? By design, a neti pot allows a user to pour a nasal rinse into the nostrils in such a way that it flushes out irritants and thins out mucus, thereby leading to less congestion and easier breathing through the nose. It acts as a kind of booster for your body’s natural processes. What do I mean by that? Microscopic, hair-like structures called cilia line your nasal cavity and the surrounding sinuses. These cilia help to push mucus out of your nose. Nasal irrigation with a saline solution is said to assist the cilia in better removing mucus and unwanted particles (such as dust, pollen, etc.) that often contribute to sinus problems. A neti pot is filled with purified water and salt or a salt-based mixture specifically designed for neti pot use. It’s also very easy to create your own homemade neti pot solution (a recipe will be provided later in this article). You might be wondering why you can’t simply use water on its own in your neti pot. The interesting fact is that using water alone can actually irritate the inside of your nostrils. Adding salt to purified water enables the water to pass through the sensitive membranes of the nasal passages with minimal or no burning sensations.

How to Use Safely

It is of utmost importance that you use a recommended and safe water source in your neti pot. According to the FDA, the following are the only acceptable water options for a neti pot: distilled or sterile water (which will be labeled as “distilled” or “sterile”), which can be purchased in stores; tap water that has been boiled for at least three to five minutes and then allowed to cool to lukewarm temperature before use; previously boiled water stored in a clean, closed container for up to 24 hours; water that has passed through a filter specifically designed to trap potentially infectious organisms. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends filters with an “absolute pore size of 1 micron or smaller” or a label indicating “NSF 53” or “NSF 58.” When it comes to the solution, you can either buy a premade sinus rinse or make your own homemade neti pot solution. Simply combine one cup of purified water (refer to the list above for the acceptable options) with a quarter teaspoon to a half teaspoon of non-iodized salt. You can also include a pinch of baking soda if you desire. If you are using two cups of water, then double the amount of salt and baking soda. It is crucial that you do not use a salt in your neti pot that contains any additional ingredients. You only want one ingredient in the salt you use to make a homemade neti pot solution – salt. A healthy solution is said to mimic the salt-to-water balance of your body’s own tissues. You can use sea salt, kosher salt, or a plain cooking salt for your solution. Once you have your nasal rinse solution in your neti pot and your hands washed and dried, you are ready to use your neti pot. Here’s how to use it: First, lean forward over a sink and tilt your head sideways (about a 45-degree angle). Place the neti pot’s spout in the upper nostril (the one closer to the ceiling). As you breathe through your open mouth, slowly pour the neti pot’s contents into that upper nostril. You will immediately notice the neti pot solution begin to come out of the lower nostril. This is a good thing – the nasal irrigation has officially begun! Simply repeat on the other side. Aim to use about half of the neti pot’s contents in each nostril. The whole process doesn’t take more than around five minutes, so it’s not a significant time commitment. In terms of mess, you definitely want to lean over a sink because there will be liquid coming out of your nostrils. After some practice, you probably won’t get your clothes wet. In the beginning, you may have a few water spots after you’re done, but don’t worry, they will dry quickly and won’t stain.


1. Congested Sinuses

In India, flushing warm salty water through the nasal cavities has been used for centuries to help with nasal congestion and allergies. Sometimes we can experience sinus congestion due to environmental irritants such as dust, pollen, chemicals, or synthetic fragrances. Generally speaking, a neti pot is an excellent tool for performing nasal irrigation and reducing general sinus congestion. No matter what the cause, neti pots are known to help bring the inside of your nose into a healthier and less irritated state by flushing out any unwanted invaders and excess mucus.

2. Colds

One of the most common unwanted symptoms of the common cold is nasal congestion. It can also be accompanied by sinus headache and facial pain. When you use a neti pot for a stuffy nose caused by a cold, you can thin out the mucus so that it can drain out more easily. This can help relieve multiple cold symptoms. In addition to using a neti pot, you should also drink plenty of water to help break up the mucus.

3. Sinus Infections

Not only can using a neti pot be beneficial for treating an acute sinus infection, but it can even provide relief for chronic sinusitis. A study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal revealed that patients suffering from chronic sinus infections were able to improve their symptoms and maintain positive outcomes for six months. The study subjects not only experienced relief from sinus congestion but also had fewer headaches and relied less on over-the-counter medicines. Dr. Richard J. Harvey, a professor of rhinology at Macquarie University, also points out that larger-volume neti pots are definitely more effective than nasal sprays. This is because the neti pot actually achieves true nasal irrigation, removing irritants as well as excess mucus.

4. Allergies

If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from allergies on a yearly basis, it’s a good idea to get out your neti pot when your allergy season arrives. Seasonal allergy symptoms commonly include nasal congestion and post-nasal drip. A 2010 scientific review published in the American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy confirms that nasal irrigation with a saline solution is a safe and inexpensive way to improve a stuffy nose caused by allergies. It also enhances the overall quality of life for the allergy sufferer and reduces the need for allergy medications.

5. Pregnancy-Related Sinus Issues

For some women, pregnancy brings along more than just food cravings and fatigue. Thanks to hormonal changes, some pregnant women also commonly experience nasal congestion. Pregnancy experts such as the American Pregnancy Association and the Mayo Clinic commonly recommend nasal irrigation as a safe and effective home remedy to improve general congestion as well as congestion due to sinus infections and allergies for expectant mothers.

6. Snoring

If sinus congestion causes snoring, well, a neti pot can help unclog your nose. Once the congestion is gone, you are likely to get rid of your unwanted snoring habit. A neti pot may be just the solution for some to achieve snore-free sleep and may even help you stop mouth breathing.

Common Mistakes and Risks

The number one risk when it comes to neti pots is using a dangerous water source. By dangerous, I mean water that contains bacteria. This can happen if you use tap water in your neti pot that has not been boiled and cooled first. ALWAYS use recommended water sources and don’t take any chances. A neti pot death can occur if you use water infected with deadly bacteria. In 2011, there were at least two deaths in the United States due to improper neti pot use. Both deaths were the result of using tap water contaminated with Naegleria fowleri, a very fatal type of bacteria. Naegleria fowleri causes the brain infection known as primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM). Symptoms of PAM usually begin one to nine days after infection. At first, symptoms can include headache, fever, nausea, or vomiting. Later stage symptoms may include stiff neck, confusion, lack of attention to people and surroundings, loss of balance, seizures, and hallucinations. The disease tends to rapidly worsen and typically leads to death within about five days of onset. This is not meant to scare you, but there is indeed a very real and serious reason why you don’t want to mess around with the water you use in your neti pot. In addition to using purified water, it is absolutely essential that you keep your neti pot extremely clean. Every single time you use it, clean it thoroughly with the same high-quality water that you used in it to prevent any bacteria. It is also important to allow your neti pot to air dry completely between uses or dry it well with paper towels. If your neti pot is dishwasher-safe, you can put it through the dishwasher every so often. Make sure to wash and dry your hands before using your neti pot to remove any germs. Neti pots are like toothbrushes – they should never be shared. Of course, it would be more cost-effective to share a neti pot with your family members, but it is not the safe or sanitary thing to do. Another common mistake with neti pots is to overuse them. As with many natural remedies, overdoing it does not lead to better results – in fact, it can actually cause more problems. A 2009 study found that a short-term practice of nasal irrigation can be helpful and therapeutic, but long-term use can actually be harmful. It is theorized that using a neti pot too routinely may remove some of the essential protective elements of the mucus membranes that line the nasal passages and sinuses. That is definitely not what you want, so make sure not to overuse your neti pot. Neti pots are not recommended for infants. If you experience any discomfort or unwanted side effects after using a neti pot, discontinue use and seek medical attention.


  • It’s truly amazing how a little teapot-like vessel and some salty water can offer such easy and quick relief for nasal congestion. Using a neti pot is not difficult to do and it’s not expensive. Plus, it’s not meant to be used too frequently.
  • When used appropriately, even the conventional medicine world agrees with holistic and Ayurvedic medicine practitioners. Neti pots are excellent at relieving nasal congestion for various reasons, including allergies, the common cold, sinus infections, and pregnancy.
  • The scientific studies also support this age-old nasal irrigation tool. Just remember to use the right kind of salt (without any additives!) with safe, purified water in a properly cleaned neti pot.
  • If you have nasal congestion, get your neti pot out. In less than five minutes, you are likely to be breathing a lot (or at least a little) easier!
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